Rodeo Houston, Y’all

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2014-03-22 15.24.28

Hi, guys.

Yesterday, I had my first Rodeo Houston experience, complete with carnival rides, pig races, “mutton bustin’,” The Band Perry, and food.  Lots of food.  Lots of fried food.

It was definitely a cool experience that I can now check off my Texas bucket list.

But goodness gracious, you guys.  I’m constantly astonished with the stuff people manage to deep fry these days.  Red velvet cake?  Poptarts?  Nutella?  I’m not even sure how these things work.

Can we throw around some ideas for healthier rodeo fare?

How about these baked crispy chicken fingers?

Baked sweet potato fries are always a winner.  Butternut squash totally works, too.

Food on a stick is pretty much a must.  I think chicken fajita kabobs sound fantastic.

Using cauliflower or spaghetti squash to make pizza crust can lighten up the greasy classic.

Angel food cake with berries would be an awesome dessert.

Do you have any favorite carnival foods?  Any ways you can think of to lighten up the classics?

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